Note: Extra care is required during Terralon Mural installation as the material is more susceptible to creasing than other materials.

Surface Preparation

  1. Clean and Dry: Ensure all surfaces are clean, smooth, dry, undamaged, and free of mold, mildew, grease, or stains. Remove any loose paint or wallcoverings. If moisture is present, identify and eliminate the source, and ensure walls are completely dry before proceeding.
  2. Moisture Check: Ensure walls have less than 4% residual moisture content (use a moisture meter). Address any moisture issues before installation. If unsure, consult a professional.
  3. Mold and Mildew: Remove all mold and mildew. Treat walls with bleach, Lysol, or approved mildew-inhibiting products.
  4. Priming: Prime surfaces with a permeable, mold-inhibiting wallcovering primer.
  5. Marking: Use only a lead pencil for marking walls and the back of the wallcovering. Avoid ballpoint or marking pens.
  6. Temperature: Maintain a temperature above 65ºF in the installation and storage areas for at least 48 hours before installation.


  1. Type: Use a heavy-duty adhesive and primer with mold and mildew inhibitors. For best results, use a clay-based adhesive. Recommended brands include Roman Decorating and Zinsser. For sustainability compliance, Roman Eco brand primers and adhesives are suggested.
  2. Application: Do not dilute the adhesive. Apply an even coat over the entire back of the wallcovering, then gently double the material together and "book" for ten minutes without folding or creasing.

Selecting and Cutting Wallcovering

  1. Sharp Blades: Use a sharp, new blade for every cut to avoid frayed edges and poor seams.
  2. Check Pattern: Examine the wallcovering to ensure the pattern color is satisfactory and as ordered. Have a sample for comparison.
  3. Roll Numbers: Check roll tickets for run numbers. Cut rolls in sequential order, starting with the highest number and working down.
  4. Panel Numbering: Number panels and headers as they are cut and apply them in sequence.

Applying Wallcovering to Wall Surface

  1. Panel Hanging: For textured or non-matched patterns, reverse hang alternate panels for color continuity.
  2. Pattern Matching: Determine the pattern match type (random, straight across, or drop match). Measure the wall height, add 4 inches for overlap, and cut the wallcovering with a sharp blade.
  3. Adhesive Application: Apply adhesive with a paint roller, covering the back completely, especially near the edges. Mate each end toward the middle, pasted sides together, and let relax for ten minutes without creasing.
  4. Pattern Alignment: Align patterns at eye level to allow for any drift towards the ceiling and floor. Use a level to ensure the first drop is square.
  5. Smoothing: Use a wallcovering brush or plastic scraper. Avoid burnishing the face of the material.
  6. Cleaning: Wash off excess paste with a cellulose sponge, rinsing frequently, and blot dry with a clean cloth.

Note: Do not allow vinyl adhesive to dry on the surface as it may leave a white residue.

  1. Seams: Overlap the second strip over the edge of the first strip. Use low-adhesion painter’s tape under seams before overlapping and double cutting with a sharp blade. Clean any adhesive immediately. Seams should be vertical, tight, and free from air and paste bubbles, and not located closer than 6 inches to corners.
  2. Inspection: After three panels are smoothed, check for color uniformity and pattern match. Report any issues to your sales representative before proceeding further.


  1. Monitoring: Monitor the walls and wallcovering for moisture or vapor infiltration. Address any issues promptly to reduce the risk of mold/mildew growth.