Here are some tips for submitting a good image. The tips in red are very important.
- No Screenshots.
- No pictures of pictures
- No Facebook, Instagram or Snap-Chat pictures.
- No dark pictures taken in a dark room or the night outside.
- We recommend looking for images with the subject close to the foreground and being at least 2800 pixels in the height the subject matter within the image.
- Do NOT crop the image before sending to us.
- Do NOT enlarge the image and send us an enlargement.
- Do not submit images that you have texted or have been texted to you.
Outdoor pictures in the direct sun work the best.
Cell phone images from an iPhone should be the ACTUAL File (Not small, not medium, and not even large files... but the ACTUAL File size)
Cell phone images from an Android phone should be fine as long as they are sending the ORIGINAL File.
If taking a whole new face picture for a BigHead... Think Mugshot! Move in close and fill the frame with the entire head when taking new image shots with a camera or camera phone.
If taking a whole new body picture for a Standee... Move in REALLY close and REALLY fill the frame with the entire body when taking new image shots with a camera or camera phone. Be careful not to cut out hands/elbows, feet or tops of heads.